Mathematics for Computational Intelligence Systems (M·CIS)
This research team is leaded by Prof. Jesús Medina, who has an experience of more than 20 years, and it has developed innovative mathematical tools for the extraction, management and prediction of information from databases, being evident in more than 200 international scientific publications, and in the different competitive research projects it leads. These tools can be used for the well-known Big Data treatment, for its strength and traceability. The use of these formal tools allows a detailed knowledge of the behavior of the analyzed knowledge system (database). This fact provides greater robustness to the obtained predictive models and to the designed recommended system and, consequently, to the final developed product. Therefore, these tools will be very interesting in the Artificial Intelligence part of the project.
Current European and National projects:
- Reference and title: CA17124 DIGital FORensics: evidence Analysis via intelligent Systems and Practices (DigForASP)
- Title: Mathematics for Computational Intelligence Systems – M·CIS: Spanish title: Matemáticas para el desarrollo de sistemas inteligentes.
- Title: Fuzzy formal tools for non canonical reasoning. HARMONIC: Spanish title: Herramientas formAles difusas para RazonaMientO No canónICo.
- Title: Mathgreen: Fuzzy mathematical techniques for renewable energy challenges in a discrete framework. Spanish tittle: Técnicas matemáticas difusas para los retos de las energías renovables en un marco discreto
Transference of Knowledge. Projects with companies:
- Title: (MCIS-GENera) Mathematics for intelligence fault classification in efficient photovoltaic energy generation. Spanish tittle: Sistema inteliGENte para la optiMizaCión de Instalaciones fotovoltaicaS
- Title: BIG DATA at CBC (Centro Bahía de Cádiz).
- Title: (GEN-MCIS) Intelligent system to the optimization of photovoltaic plants. Spanish tittle: Matemáticas para la Clasificación Inteligente de anomalíaS en la Generación Eficiente de eNErgía solaR fotovoltaicA
- Title: New methods of prediction, manufacturing and application of supplements.
Lab Head
Lab Members
- Juan Carlos Díaz-Moreno (Researchgate, Google Scholar)
- María Eugenia Cornejo (Researchgate, Google Scholar)
- María José Benitez (Researchgate)
- Eloisa Ramirez-Poussa (Researchgate, Google Scholar)
- Rafael Rodríguez-Galván (Researchgate, Google Scholar)
- Clemente Rubio-Manzano (Researchgate, Google Scholar)
- David Lobo (Researchgate, Google Scholar)
PhD Students
- Roberto García Aragón (ORCID)
- Fernando Chacón Gómez
- José Antonio Torné Zambrano
Tweets by M-CIS |
Herramientas para el tratamiento de la incertidumbre en los datos
Máster en Big Data. Universidad Internacional de Andalucía.